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Sunday, February 22, 2004

So what ten books should an undergraduate read? Tyler Cowan posts this report from GlobalEducation.edu. The list is, as follows:

1. The Bible
2. The Odyssey
3. The Republic
4. Democracy in America
5. The Iliad
6. Hamlet
7. Wealth of Nations, The Koran, The Prince
10. Federalist Papers, Don Quixote, On Liberty, Invisible Man, King Lear, War and Peace, Moby Dick, The Lexus and the Olive Tree.

Of these, I have read all but Lexus, and the Koran (which just doesn't appeal to me). Ironically, I had read most BEFORE undergraduate school. Has high school degraded that much? Have expectations so eroded that... ? Never mind. I'm being rhetorical anyway.

As for my own list, I would raise the Federalist Papers much higher than 10th. I would add Huckleberry Finn, and General Theory (as Keynesian economics needs to be studied alongside Smith, for perspective). I would also add Johnson's History of the American People, but that's just me.


.: posted by Dave 4:18 PM

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