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Saturday, February 21, 2004

This simply struck me astounding:

Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D., on Thursday praised the Bush administration's war and nation-building work in Iraq and said he has no serious concerns about the lack of weapons of mass destruction.

Daschle told state chamber of commerce representatives meeting in the South Dakota capital that he is satisfied with the way things are going in Iraq.

"I give the effort overall real credit," Daschle said. "It is a good thing Saddam Hussein is no longer in power. It is a good thing we are democratizing the country."

Well... that is, until I thought about it further.

Daschle faces a re-election race this year against former Republican congressman John Thune.

Look no further than a man's desire to keep his seat as Senate Minority Leader to see why he would be so amenable to administration policies. Is Daschle seeing the writing on the wall? I think so.


.: posted by Dave 2:31 PM

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