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Sunday, February 15, 2004

To Syndicate, or Not To Syndicate:

Each day, assuming I am not interrupted with unforeseen responsibilities, I read about 50-75 blogs on various topics. This was not something I ever considered in the past, when I had to click through several websites and wait for them to load. No one, not even the incomparable Glenn Reynolds, has that kind of time.

It was not too long ago that I started looking into RSS aggregators to pool my blogging resources into one convenient window. Since I am a .NET programmer, among other things, I am partial to .NET implementations of RSS. SharpReader, written by Luke Hutteman, is highly recommended. I like the refresh feature that does MSN-like pop-up windows to let me know when someone has updated their blog. Luke is very responsive to his email regarding feature requests, and bug reports.

Luke assures me that Atom (the format supported by Blogger and Google, among others) will be included in the next SharpReader update. It's tiresome to have to rely on proxy RSS providers like Blogmatrix to give you RSS functionality. The problem with Atom is that it is an ever-changing standard. One rendering of Atom in today's aggregator may well be obsolete tomorrow.

This fact leads me to my main complaint. Remember how Netscape and IE could/would never agree? If you ever had to design a website with cross-browser compatibility, you know from whence I speak. I am hopeful that Atom and RSS can somehow come together so the same issue does not arise in the world of website syndication.

One other rant before I leave this topic. Some of you highly read folks out there either are not syndicating, or aren't updating your feeds (are you listening, Bill Hobbs?) Thanks to the many of you who DO take RSS seriously, like SayUncle, AlphaPatriot, and the RTB partiarch, SKB. RSS makes life much easier, to say the least.


.: posted by Dave 9:26 AM

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