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Saturday, February 28, 2004

Today has been one of the most relazing Saturdays in recent memory. It is sunny, brisk, and not wintry. My wife and son are happily napping upstairs. I'm getting ready to go out in the yard and do some cleaning.

Church went well, too. The sermon came from 2 Samuel, and referred to David, and how some blamed him for the death of Saul (who committed suicide, by the way). When I came home, I took one of my son's animal hats (a blue dog), and used it as a puppet. I got the idea because the kid's church featured puppets today. I thought he might enjoy a puppet show from Daddy. I didn't know how much he would enjoy it. Whenever I would bark at him with the puppet, he would laugh, and laugh.

So why am I blogging about it? Well, because I take my family for granted sometimes. I don't think enough about how lucky I am. Making my son laugh was the highlight of my week. I hope there are thousands more where that came from.


.: posted by Dave 3:04 PM

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