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Sunday, February 15, 2004

Today's Hartford Courant laments that "undocumented aliens" are being forced to forgo college, because they cannot get preferred in-state tuition rates, or, worse yet, they are denied admission altogether.

This is the quote that raised my ire:

"Would we rather have them in low-paying jobs than give them an education and help them become productive, tax-paying citizens?" he (Rep. Demetrios Giannaros, a Farmington Democrat who is co-chairman of the education committee)asked.

He said he was disturbed by the policy at UConn, where in-state tuition is $6,800 this year.

"I don't know why we'd want to be one of the very few that has decided to be punitive and exclude this population," he said.

Mr. Giannaros, here's your answer: We should deport anyone who is here illegally, and we should, with open arms, accept anyone who is willing to live here legitimately, under American laws, and rules. We should include those who are here legally, and exclude anyone who is not. It shouldn't be that difficult a concept to fathom, but, seemingly, it is for a growing contingent of politicians and bureaucrats.


.: posted by Dave 2:49 PM

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