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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Today's insane legislation is being churned out of New Mexico:

Some state lawmakers are convinced they have the answer to solve the D.W.I. epidemic and want to require everyone on the road to take a breathalyzer test before they can start the engine of any vehicle.
Today, the proposal is one very large step closer to becoming law.

A bill requiring an ignition interlock device be installed on every car, truck, bus or motorcycle in New Mexico passed the state house today and is on its way to the senate.

And how is this going to be funded? Allegedly, another bill gives citizens tax credits for installing the devices. Also, the ACLU is paying close attention to this one. I'm often on the other side of the ACLU, but this law has violation of civil liberties all over it.


.: posted by Dave 5:27 PM

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