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Saturday, February 21, 2004

Via Daniel Drezner:

Fox News reports that Ralph Nader "will enter the 2004 race for the White House as an independent candidate." He'll announce on Meet The Press this Sunday.

This is somewhat different from Nader's 2000 race, when he was the Green Party candidate. Running as an independent will likely make it harder for Nader to get registered on all 50 state ballots plus the District of Columbia, since he won't be able to rely on the Green Party infrastructure (don't laugh, it exists) to help him out.

It might be more difficult for him, but if he can get on the ballot in swing states such as Ohio, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Pennsylvania, it won't matter. I still believe that Bush will win, Nader or no Nader. A Nader candidacy just makes it easier.


.: posted by Dave 3:29 PM

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