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Saturday, February 21, 2004

Weekend Rant II:

One more reason to go to the blogosphere for my news:

I hate pop-up ads. Hate.

I am sick and tired of logging onto ESPN.com and being solicited by Orbitz. I do not want whatever MSNBC is trying to sell me.

Thankfully, through RSS and blogs, I can get some insight, and some headlines, and, if I want to tolerate the pop-ups, I can click the link, and read more. Often, I do. The point is, I don't want to have to deal with an annoying ad just to get the headlines.

Stop popping up on me, advertisers! OK? As a rule of thumb, I don't buy products from 1) spammers, 2) phone solicitors, and 3) companies that litter my limited screen real estate with pop-up ads!


End of Rant.


.: posted by Dave 5:50 PM

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