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Saturday, February 21, 2004

Weekend Rant:

Today was such a good day. In fact, it still is. With one exception.

Allow me to introduce you to the Enfield Police Department. Enfield is the town in which we live. We feel pretty safe in Enfield. It will be a good town to raise a child, at least until we find a way to move back to the south... but I digress.

It seems that Enfield's finest had no crime to fight today, and no doughnut shops were willing to give them freebies. (Note: There are three Dunkin' Donuts within one mile of my house.) It is not unusual to see a police car or two passing our house. Today, though, the officers wanted to stop and park on my corner.

"Could they be setting up radar?", I speculated. After all, the speed limit is 25, and often, people do go flying down our road, on the way to the mall.

Imagine my surprise when I watched out the bedroom window as Mr. Policeman himself decided to place a ticket on my truck. Now you may be wondering why this occurred.

Well, apparently, in Enfield, it is a violation to park your vehicle with the driver door adjacent to the curb. Now, if this is an ordinance in any other town in which I have lived, I never knew it. I have parked my vehicle numerous times in that manner, and no one has complained, nor has an officer ever responded in such haste to ticket the vehicle.

Wouldn't it have made more sense to just knock on the door, and inform me that this was a violation? No, that would have involved effort. The officer might have had to actually talk to one of the taxpayers that subsidizes his salary. It might have even necessitated [gasp!] intelligent discussion.

I have been considering sending them several rolls of pennies (since there is nothing on the citation that mandates payment with check, or money order). I also thought about sending 50 checks for $0.20 each. I do, after all, have some checks with an old address that need to be used. But, upon further deliberation, I will begrudgingly send them a $10 check.

However, I have also decided to withhold any contribution to the police benevolent society, FOP, or anyone else who might be in a position of law enforcement responsibility in this town. It is insane that this town can charge me nearly $3000 in property tax, and they have to resort to sending their troops out on a brisk Saturday to confiscate a ten-spot for such an absurd reason.

End of rant.


.: posted by Dave 3:14 PM

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