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Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Weighing in on the FMA:

The method which the courts and elected officials from the left have been exercising to civilly disobey the law is, whether they like it or not, illegal. I understand their passion on this particular issue.

But, let us suppose for a second that a town in some other part of the country decided to allow citizens to carry concealed weapons, and the state governing this town had already passed a strict law banning the carrying of said firearms. Gun advocates, naturally, would be giddy. However, their opponents would cry foul. "This is an egregious violation of state statutes, and it should be punished."

This is the classical paradox of both the left and right wing of the political elite. It is easy to ban or restrict an activity that is not part of one's own existence. It is a different sort of character, however, that can ignore one's own sense of morality, and realize that the greater good is served by allowing individuals in society to make free choices, restricted only if they violate the rights of others.

This qualification is why carrying a concealed weapon should not be unduly restricted, but wielding a firearm in committing a crime should be. Similarly, the lifestyle one chooses, like it or not, is the business of the individual (or individuals). You may not like the lifestyle, but you must, for the purpose of fairness, and freedom, allow others to choose differently.

Personally, I would like to see the gay lobby pursue this issue legally, but I'm convinced that they are fearful that doing so will change nothing. This is largely because of opinion polls, which show a backlash effect, with 61% of the public favoring the FMA. However, if thinking people will stop to realize that restricting the lives of others is tantamount to inviting intervention into THEIR lives, they will see how slippery this slope can be. However, such discourse can only be encouraged if vagabond justices, and rogue public officials respect the rule of law, and let events progress within the bounds which society has defined.


.: posted by Dave 7:34 PM

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