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Saturday, February 28, 2004

Well, living in Connecticut has the disadvantage of keeping some local news out of my sight. Unfortunately, I haven't been reading the Knoxville paper much online either. Tonight, I just read that Jmmy Streater died last week.

In my neighborhood, we all loved the Vols. In the early 80s, it was Reggie White, Steve Alatorre, Jeff Olczewski, Johnnie Jones. In the 70s, it was Condredge Holloway, Larry Seivers, Stanley Morgan, and Streater. I remember Streater's run against Notre Dame. I remember that he looked to run a lot more than he looked to pass. Man, was he fast. And small. I remember John Ward calling him the "Sylva Streak". I always thought he was saying "Silver". At that age, I didn't really know much about words having double meanings. I sure didn't know where Sylva was.

I remember another UT quarterback more vividly: Tony Robinson. Both players were super athletes. T-Rob was a much better passer than Streater. Streater excelled at the quick darting run. But both, sadly, has something in common. They both got sucked into the nasty world of drug use. Robinson's abuse cost him a career. Streater's probably shaved 30 years off his life. Both are tragedies, but not uncommon to sports, or life, for that matter.

I miss my childhood sometimes. Listening to "the Voice" describe a Streater run was part of that childhood. It stinks when anyone dies, but especially people who you feel like you knew. Jimmy Streater was one of those people, to me.

Goodbye, "Streak". You'll be missed.


.: posted by Dave 8:27 PM

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