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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Yahoo dumps Google:

The change occurred at 9:30 p.m. PST Tuesday when Yahoo relaunched the search properties for its U.S.-based sites, including its Yahoo.com flagship home page. Yahoo replaced Google's results with its own Yahoo Search Technology, which combines an array of recently acquired search technologies, such as Inktomi and commercial search provider Overture Services. Yahoo also owns AltaVista and the Web search technology of Fast Search and Transfer.


The Web portal on Monday implemented a Yahoo-branded crawler, or robot, to scour the Web for documents. Called Yahoo Slurp, the robot "collects documents from the Web to build a searchable index for search services using the Yahoo search engine," according to Yahoo. The crawler is also keeping copies of those pages--what's known as "caching" pages.

Well, some healthy competition between search engines will be nice, although I will still use Google because I know a few Google tricks (like using IndexOf strings to find specific file types). Google is not the same as it once was long ago, before it started angling for IPO dollars, but it's still the best of the best, until someone knocks it off.


.: posted by Dave 10:12 AM

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