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Sunday, February 29, 2004


The Oscars are tonight. Everyone seems to think Lord of the Rings will win best picture, and some silly film called "Lost in Translation" with Bill Murray will win best screenplay... and a bunch of other spoiled Hollywood guys and gals will win some things, and other spoiled Hollywod guys and gals will lose some things.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

I don't know if I speak for others out there, but I'm tired of self-congratulatory suarees like the Oscars. I'm even less impressed with the Grammys. And the others, like the Tonys, the Doves, the CMAs, the Golden Globes... heck, I'm even sick of the ESPYs. Do these people really feel so badly about themselves that they need their peers to blow smoke up their wazoo? Can't they thank people in the closing credits of the films, and end the endless bantering each night? I'll never forget Sally Field's classic "You like me. You really like me." blather. Yuck.

To me, the movie / music / play of the year should just stand on its own. I don't need to be told by industry professionals what I should see / listen to / be impressed with.


.: posted by Dave 2:29 PM

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