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Saturday, March 27, 2004

Barry posts:

We've spent a week almost on these hearings and haven't seen anything that makes me feel lessons are being learned that will help us in the future. Republicans, you spent 8 years ridiculing and condemning Clinton. Because of those attacks Democrats are retaliating with unrelenting attacks on Bush. Each side is blind and so consumed with hatred and the desire for revenge nothing else matters - oh, they pay lip service to current affairs, but really it's just us vs. them -- me vs. you -- an eye for an eye and screw anything else.

Grow up.

Then gets grilled.

Then rebuts:

I truly and sincerely want people to listen to each other, and not make fun of each other. That's all - just be adult about things and fight for the right reasons. If you don't like Bush - fine, but don't disagree with his policies automatically because you think he and those policies are by default corrupt. This is the most important time in the life of the US since the 40's and we can't afford the distractions. Just think about it.

The vitriol spewed forth from one side to the other gets to be childish sometimes, but especially when emotions are part of the equation. Some people genuinely disagree with Bush. Others simply loathe him. Some adore his charisma and brashness. Still others dislike him, but like his policies. If they are like me, they like some of his policies, dislike others, but like the guy. That's my right, just as it is for others to feel the way they do.

The misfortune is when people take it so personally that they begin to "flame" each other (which is benign and innocent comparatively), or, worse, when physical assault is involved. It would be nice if we could just "get along", but I think the 2000 election set the tone for what we now see. As a consequence, I fear the dialogue in the coming months will continue to degenerate into personal attacks, and policy discussions will get lost in the mix; and that, to me, is a shame.


.: posted by Dave 10:44 PM

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