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Thursday, March 11, 2004

The caption for a picture in the AJC reads, "Baseball commissioner Bud Selig testifies before a Senate committee. Sen. John McCain issued an ultimatum on steroid testing."

A quote from the article reads, "McCain said sports such as baseball are 'aiding and abetting cheaters' with a weak testing policy."

So our senators are now concerned with cheating in league sports? Please tell me why the Senate is involved in this issue. This is NOT a government matter. As I understand it, the substances some players use are not only legal, but available OTC.

The MLB, NFL, et. al. are not government agencies. The senate has no business issuing ultimatums to them.

*end of disjointed ranting*

*steps off box*

Ranting courtesy of my wife, Ami, who really should do more posting.


.: posted by Dave 11:11 AM

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