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Wednesday, March 10, 2004

From Arianna Huffington's website:

Arianna's campaign tips. Arianna Huffington offers John Kerry six things
he needs to do to win in November. I'll recap the main points below, but read the whole article.

1. You may share JFK's initials, but you need to campaign with RFK's passion... 2. Don't pick a VP by looking at the map...

3. Don't fall back on the tried-and-untrue swing voter strategy that has led to the prolonged identity crisis of the Democratic Party...

4. Don't run away from your voting record. Don't run away, as you did in the New York debate, from being called a liberal. Embrace it, and define it as the foundation of the great breakthroughs in American history...

5. Remember: He who controls the language defines the political debate. Bush Republicans' control of certain magical words, starting with "responsibility," has been a key to their success. You need to take back "responsibility" from the grossly irresponsible GOP...

6. Strike a new bargain with the American people. Tell them, "Let's put an end to the tyranny of low expectations. You can expect a lot more of me, and I will ask a lot more of you"...

What, exactly, is the "I will ask alot more of you" part? Money, maybe?
In the form of higher taxes? That can't be right, though, because they never take money from "The American People", only the evil rich, who obviously don't COUNT as American People.

I would add a #7. Never take campaign tips from a woman who dropped out because she knew she was going to lose and didn't want to look bad.

This rant brought to you by my wife, who seems to despise liberalism the more we live in the midst of it.


.: posted by Dave 10:20 AM

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