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Thursday, March 11, 2004

From Walter Mossberg in today's Wall Street Journal:

Not only that, but members of the techie class that runs these industries, and the IT departments at big companies, have been quoted recently as blaming the security problem on average, nontechnical users. If only these stupid users wouldn't open e-mails with hidden viruses, the techies say, the trouble would go away.

Well, I have a word for these contemptuous techies: Save your energy for solving the problem instead of blaming its victims. Mainstream users shouldn't have to be IT experts to operate their computers.

Bull. That's just utter nonsense, Mr. Mossberg. You don't have to be an IT expert to know not to execute an unsolicited attachment in your email inbox. While I agree that programs to protect users could be more robust, the problem really stems from thousands of unsophisticated users who persist in this behavior. We techies aren't being contemptuous. We're being honest. This is another instance of third party reliance vs. personal responsibility. I opt for the latter.


.: posted by Dave 2:25 PM

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