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Thursday, March 25, 2004

Had a .NET app crashed on a Windows machine, Slashdot would have been all over this one:

Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems, was delivering a keynote speech to a full room at CTIA Wireless 2004 when his Linux machine, running Sun's Java Desktop unexpectedly became completely frozen.

He had to reset the machine and they quickly switched to a pre-recorded standby video presentation.

In the words of our on-the-floor journalist covering the event for LXer, "it was embarrassing."

For the uber-crossplatform programming language, indeed, it is embarrassing. Some people on the LXer message board keep wanting to make it appear that Linux went awry, but I don't see how a Java window manager crashing could be confused with a Linux crash (although, again... if Java crashed on Windows, causing a need for a reboot, I can hear the Slashtrolls now, crying about how unstable Windows is, even for the JVM.


.: posted by Dave 3:27 PM

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