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Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I have yet to register my two vehicles in Connecticut. This is by design, as I am unsure that I will even keep one of them. Another is due to expire its current registration in June. Will I register it here? I don't know.

It's bad enough that they hit us with property tax on the vehicle (does any other state tax vehicles as "property"?). The problem I have is the absurd rule of testing for emissions.

Now, before anyone says that I don't support emissions testing in some form, I should clarify. The vehicle in question is a 2002 Tacoma truck. The odds of there being an emissions issue with my truck are zero to small. Statistically speaking, 99.99% of all newer model vehicles could be said to be emissions friendly. If you believe that assumption, you should also see the fallacy in requiring every vehicle to be tested. Why should I test a vehicle with 40K miles on it for emissions? I shouldn't have to.

Add into the mix the fact that the state has already admitted flaws in the existing program, the fact that testing is done by repair shops (does anyone see the conflict of interest there?), and the fact that most of Connecticut's pollution comes from other states (has anyone heard of prevailing winds? We have those, and they come from the west) and you have, quite frankly, a wrongheaded solution for the state's growing air quality problems. Should something be done? Perhaps. But programs such as these are not the answer.


.: posted by Dave 5:26 PM

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