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Sunday, March 07, 2004

In Enfield, the town government and certain other interested individuals are trying to decide what to do with local EMS services. This seems like a fairly straightforward proposition to me, really. Just meet publicly, outline intentions, vote, and move forward... at least this is how I envision local government. Apparently, some officials have a problem with the publicly part:

The man who is leading a group to craft a plan for EMS service insists that he will do whatever he can to keep the public out of the group's meetings.

"At this point, having the press and the public involved is going to be counterproductive to the process," said Enfield Fire District Chief Edward Richards Thursday. "There will be no open dialogue if you guys are there, so what will happen is we'll take steps to make sure it's not a public meeting.

"We will make it so that it won't be a public meeting based on who attends, if that's what it takes, because the process is jeopardized," Richards said.

So why is this such a problem? These are elected officials, right? They represent the public, and there are "sunshine" laws in place, as well as the Freedom of Information Act. So, there is precedent in publcizing meetings such as these.

Well, here's the rationale for secrecy:

Richards - who commissioners say heads the working group but doesn't always attend its meetings because of teaching conflicts - pointed to the recent EMS commission as a public body that got bogged down by the public.

The commission "just spun their wheels for a year and a half and chased their tails around the place because they wouldn't be frank with one another," Richards said, blaming public participation for the lack of honesty.

"All [the press] would be is a detriment to the process," he said. "That's the name of the tune. There's a time and a place for opening things up to public scrutiny, and we aren't there yet."

We aren't there yet? As far as I am concerned, ANY use of my tax dollars mandates that I be allowed to view the proceedings. No one is asking for participation, but I am certainly entitled to know what is being planned. As to the issue of frankness, that is disingenuity of the elected officials, and, thus, no one's fault but their own. The public wants people in office who will be forthright, and truthful. (Or are these people not listening to the public outcry regarding Governor Rowland's dealings?)

It's pretty simple. Be truthful, be open, and proceed.


.: posted by Dave 1:58 PM

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