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Thursday, March 04, 2004

Killington, Vermont, the swanky ski resort town, wants to secede, and join the Granite State. Talk about this has been going on for weeks but it's just now getting national exposure.

Why the desire to secede?

  • Vermont - sales tax, income tax, property tax.

  • New Hampshire - no sales tax, no property tax, more equitable property tax.

  • Do they really need any more reason than that?

    Even though the measure passed in the town, it still requires action by both Vermont and New Hampshire. It is doubtful that Vermont would allow millions of resort town tax dollars to flow out of their coffers and into a neighboring state. But, it's a nice idea.

    UPDATE: I'm not sure about precedence in other areas of the country, but apparently, town secession has happened before in New England. In fact, Enfield and Suffield, Connecticut (where I live) in 1674 and 1680 were considered Massachusetts until they seceded in 1750 to join Connecticut.


    .: posted by Dave 11:13 AM

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