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Thursday, March 11, 2004

Lean Left talks about the Kerry tax plan.

Despite what the Republicans would have you believe, if you earn less than $200,000 per year, you will pay the same or less in federal income taxes as you do right now. No matter how you spin it, that's not a tax increase for most people. And if you earn $200,000 per year or more, your taxes would revert to what they were under Clinton -- an increase from current levels, yes, but not beyond what those income taxes were in 2000.


For the vast majority of us, Kerry will not be raising income taxes. For the few who remain, Kerry will merely be undoing a fiscally irresponsible cut.

First off, let me preface my statements by saying that I will likely never be one of those who eclipse that $200K plateau. I am middle class, and content to be so.

That being said, there is something inherently wrong about taking money away from one class of people and giving it to another. There is something inherently wrong about using a bureaucracy to administer "compassion" where the incentive for that administration is not to remove people from dependency on said programs, but to enable them, and encourage them to remain dependent. Many of us who fall into the middle class are full of compassion and understanding when it comes to helping others. This is why I give to organizations like the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, for example. I want private agencies to be successful. I want to enable THEM, instead of an inefficient bureaucracy.

What does all of this mean? It means that I do not want money to be taken from people wealthier than me, and given to a government leviathan. What I would like to see is a tax proposal that makes the Bush tax cuts permanent, eliminates the dividend tax entirely, and significantly raises the level on the AMT liability. Is this because I am enamored with George Bush? No. It is because I think it is the RIGHT thing to do. This is why many middle class people support Bush - because he will do what is fiscally moral, and has proven that he will do so. His opponent has said plainly that he intends to roll back the Bush tax cuts. The fiscal irresponsibility to which Kevin refers is not the tax cuts, but the profligate spending, of which BOTH parties are guilty.


.: posted by Dave 8:55 PM

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