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Thursday, March 04, 2004

McDonald's Corp., battered by criticism of its fatty foods, said it would eliminate Supersize french fries and soft drinks by the end of the year, part of a swing toward pleasing health-minded customers and simplifying its menu.

McDonald's Supersize option, which includes a 7-ounce carton of fries and 42-ounce fountain soda, has been targeted by critics as contributing to a growing obesity crisis in the United States where more than half the population is considered overweight or obese.

Of course, we all know it was McDonald's fault that the public demanded larger portions of fries and soda, and they responded to market conditions by giving the public what they wanted. We also should know that McDonald's is also at fault for providing us the larger portions. Don't blame me for eating it. Blame them for providing it.

That sound you hear is personal responsibility being flushed down the toilet.


.: posted by Dave 12:19 PM

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