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Wednesday, March 10, 2004

More Connecticut Gun Law Nonsense:

State busybodies are at it again.

Gun owners would be required to report the loss or theft of their weapons to the police within three days under a legislative proposal aimed at stemming the flow of firearms to criminals.

The measure is aimed at those who purchase guns legally, then sell them to people who are ineligible to own a gun. When police recover such guns in connection to a crime and trace them to the legal owner, they often hear the same refrain: It was stolen.

Law enforcement officials told the judiciary committee Monday that the lack of a reporting requirement provides a loophole that disreputable gun owners can exploit.

Does the law provide for not knowing your weapon was stolen, like when you return from vacation, or a business trip? Not at this point in the debate, although "those concerns probably can be accommodated."

How nice.

I have a novel idea. If you want me to be able to know the location of my gun at all times, perhaps allowing me to CONCEAL AND CARRY it would afford me that level of omniscience.


.: posted by Dave 12:30 PM

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