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Sunday, March 07, 2004

OK I understand the desire to ban cellphone use in a moving vehicle. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I understand it. In California, the legislature is trying all sorts of things. The leading candidate for passage is a bill that will ban cellphone use in vehicles by teens. However, this proposal is just ridiculous:

Sen. Kevin Murray, D-Culver City, head of the Senate transportation committee, has introduced a broader bill, SB 1800, imposing an extra traffic fine for drivers who were engaging in any of various distracting activities while driving unsafely.

Those activities include: Using a cell phone or personal electronic device, adjusting the radio or CD changer, smoking, eating, drinking, interacting with passengers, such as children or animals, reading, writing, or doing grooming, such as combing hair or applying makeup.

Under the bill's wording, police are not allowed to stop a car simply to determine "whether a driver is engaging in a distracting activity."

Will government ever learn that it cannot pass a law for everything? Just the fact that they are even debating this is a waste of the taxpayers' resources in the Golden State. If they want to earn their salaries, why don't they actually repeal some stupid laws and regulations? Idiots.


.: posted by Dave 4:07 PM

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