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Wednesday, March 17, 2004

The Periodic Customer Service Rant:

I've had it with customer service. It's all I can do to keep from screaming anytime I have to deal with them.

This week, Goodyear Tires is the subject of my ire. Not once, not twice, but thrice, they have exhibited idiotic behavior. It is infuriating to go into a service center, where half a dozen employees are sitting around, doing nothing, ask for an oil change, and be told that I "need to make an appointment". For what? So you can call in an extra grease monkey to stand around?

And what's the first thing the "new guy" does when we show up to get a scheduled oil change? He unapologetically charges us $15 MORE than any previous visit. Why? "This is a difficult truck to service. We need to add an extra fee. Is this OK?" OK? Hell, no, it's not OK!

And, here's the real travesty. In an attempt to try to pay a bill online, I am inadvertently charged to the wrong paying account. Can this be rectified? "No, sir. We're sorry. If you had scheduled the payment for a FUTURE DATE, you could have avoided this, but since you paid it ON TIME, you have already been charged." What? So where's the confirmation screen? Didn't your IT people learn anything about good USER INTERFACE DESIGN?

I've had it. Goodyear. Be gone.

Now, if I can only get AT&T/Cingular to send me a freakin' INVOICE instead of these stupid SPAM messages, trying to sell me RINGTONES...


.: posted by Dave 3:00 PM

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