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Thursday, March 11, 2004

Quoth John Kerry...

"Let me tell you, we've just begun to fight. We're going to keep pounding. These guys are the most crooked, you know, lying group I've ever seen. It's scary."

Have there been any personal attacks of this sort from Bush or Cheney? Can someone cite one instance where the president or vice-president have slung mud at Kerry? Have they questioned his policies? Sure. His voting record? You bet. His patriotism? No. Never has anyone from Bush-Cheney accused Kerry of being unpatriotic (although some would try to convince you that, by questioning the logic of Kerry in, say, voting against funding the Iraq War, they were, by extension, calling Kerry unpatriotic... which is nonsense.)

The fact is that Kerry was caught on tape when he thought he was off the record. This is understandable when one accepts the notion that politicians on both sides of the aisle pander to their constituents. What isn't understandable, though, is Kerry's refusal to offer a mea culpa. If Kerry wants to resurrect the "politics of personal destruction", he can do so. But it won't win him the election.


.: posted by Dave 9:44 AM

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