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Thursday, March 25, 2004

Rant Alert:

I need to take a moment to vent about something. This morning, I was turning left onto a main highway where children were boarding their school bus. The line of cars behind the bus was staggering. Twenty, perhaps thirty patient vehicles waited as the bus proceeded to the next stop, which was... THE NEXT DRIVEWAY!

Can someone tell me when our children got so lazy, or parents became so demanding, that the bus has to stop at every DRIVEWAY? This is no exaggeration. For two blocks, this bus stopped SEVEN times.

When I was in school, the bus kids caught their ride at a specific stop. It could be hundreds of yards away from the house. Heck, it might even have been out of the line of sight. After all, it was far easier for the bus to pick up kids at a single point than at dozens.

This has to stop, because it is unnecessary. The bus is not a taxi cab. It is a transport for many kids to one place. Gather them all on one corner, and let them board there. Save commuters the headache of stop and go traffic, and expedite the process. Everyone is happy (even the kids that MIGHT have to walk an extra 1/8 mile).

One other thing before I end this. If a parent can sit at a corner in their mini-van, watching their child stand at the corner, what stops them from DRIVING the kid to school themself? Sometimes, things just don't make any sense.


.: posted by Dave 8:41 PM

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