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Sunday, March 07, 2004

The REAL problem with Memogate:

(Memogate) began in June 2001, when Sen. Jim Jeffords's defection from the GOP put control of Judiciary back into the hands of the Democrats, under the chairmanship of Sen. Pat Leahy. Mr. Leahy promptly fired the Hatch IT staff and hired his own computer techies, who neglected to erect a firewall between GOP and Democratic users of the shared Judiciary server. This made it possible, Mr. Miranda says, for any staffer to click on the "My Network Places" icon on any Judiciary computer and call up documents stored on the shared drive. Some staffers stored nothing on the shared drive; others took the precaution of setting up passwords for their files. All were advised to keep sensitive documents on their hard drives. Classified material was stored on discs and kept under lock and key.

The key point here is that Mr. Miranda wasn't the only one who knew about the computer glitch. He found out about it in June 2002, when a co-worker handed him a stack of Democratic memos. The young staffer, who has since resigned, had discovered in March or April that he could read many Democratic files on the shared drive. The Hatch IT staffer was also aware of the problem -- at one point hosting a lunchtime demo for colleagues. A computer-savvy intern for GOP Sen. Charles Grassley had made the same discovery in the fall of 2001. At some point, the Leahy IT staff learned about the glitch, too, but didn't bother to fix it.

Idiots. They deserved to have their strategy documents shared with the rest of the world. And this is supposed to be the big theft everyone is talking about? Give me a break. If you and I were competitors, and you dropped a memo in the middle of the road, would I be negligent if I picked it up and read it? Further, would I be wrong to express outrage if you were plotting to besmirch me and my cohorts publicly? I don't think so.


.: posted by Dave 5:52 PM

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