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Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Regression in education:

UConn is recruiting the "top" students for its university. They are offering discounted tuition and scholarship money to valedictiorian and salutatorian graduates of Connecticut high schools.

In and of itself, there is nothing to criticize about the plan. However, I parenthesize "top" for this reason:

For Connecticut students, the Presidential Scholars Award will translate to a $2,800 reduction in tuition. The award is renewable every year for those who keep a 2.5 grade point average.

Say what? A 2.5 is what you expect from your "top" students? When I was in undergrad (not THAT long ago), a 3.25 was expected, and even then, you weren't guaranteed scholarship renewal. Granted, this was in Tennessee, where expectations of student performance is apparently higher than that of the Nutmeg State. If this is all that we can expect from our best students, we're in trouble as a society.


.: posted by Dave 11:13 AM

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