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Sunday, March 07, 2004

The SAT has added a written essay section to the exam. This section will be worth 800 points, making the cumulative perfect score 2400. While I agree that more attention needs to be given to writing skills, I'm not sure I like it being part of the standardized exam. The other sections of the exam are well-defined, and have only one "best answer". An essay is highly subjective. The essays will ostensibly be graded by two "moonlighting or retired teachers", which gives some credibility to the process. But, again, it's subjective. Will they be analyzing content, diction, vocabulary, style? What is the criteria for assessing writing skill on the new SAT? Moreover, many schools require a written essay anyway. Is it necessary to incorporate it into a standardized test, too? Call me cynical, but this seems like a way for the College Board, Kaplan, etc. to benefit financially. After all, longer tests mean higher fees, not to mention jobs for the graders, and any tutors that will be in demand.

The new version will add about 30 minutes to the current three-hour test and will boost the fee, which is now about $28, by $10 to $12.

Yep. More fees.


.: posted by Dave 2:14 PM

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