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Thursday, March 11, 2004

The so-called "Cheeseburger Bill" passed the House by a 2-1 margin. The Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act is designed to protect food outlets from frivolous lawsuits by people who have incurred health problems due to their own overindulgence. It's a common sense proposal, but some Congressional democrats disagree:

But Democrats called the bill a Republican political ploy aimed at hurting trial lawyers and helping the multibillion-dollar food business.

Democrats argue that most obesity claims have been dismissed in court, anyway.

Last year, for example, a federal judge in New York dismissed two class-action suits blaming McDonald's for making people fat.

"It protects an industry that doesn't need to be protected at this particular point and we're dealing with a problem that doesn't exist," said Rep. James McGovern, D-Mass. "The problem that does exist is that we have an obesity problem in this country."

Yes, Congressman. There is an obesity problem. But it's not because people are being forced to eat fat foods. It should be a matter of personal responsibility. Any sensible person would agree. Where is the harm in encouraging personal responsibility? Is it the fact that trial lawyers are a large constituency of Democratic donors? No, Congressman. That couldn't be it.


.: posted by Dave 9:54 AM

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