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Wednesday, March 17, 2004

This makes me sick.

A jury has convicted a man of raping a 9-month-old girl and leaving her for dead in the woods.

Jurors on Friday rejected Randolph Standifer's insanity defense and found him guilty of kidnapping, sexual battery of a child younger than 12 and attempted murder in the second degree.

Standifer, 23, will be sentenced to life in prison, the only penalty allowed by law when a child younger than 12 is raped.

What infuriates me even more is this:

During the trial, mental health experts testified that Standifer as a child was repeatedly molested and shocked with a cattle prod by a neighbor.

So the hell what? I don't care what misfortune this animal had in his life. He raped a 9 month old child! As a society, we need to stop apologizing for evil deeds with rationale. There IS no rationale. This man perpetrated a traumatic, awful act on an innocent BABY! I don't even care if this maniac is entitled to a fair trial. Presenting the evidence without prejudice is fair. Making excuses for his behavior is not.

A life sentence is too good for this sick bastard. He should be incarcerated in a maximum security prison and be subjected to whatever punishment the inmates have in store for him. After all, criminals are criminals, but no one, even criminals, likes a child rapist. If you don't feel as angry about incidents like this as I do, have a child of your own. Look into their innocent face. Then imagine them going through a similar trauma as the infant in this story. Then come back and tell me you wouldn't cut this monster from gullet to gizzard given the chance.


.: posted by Dave 2:51 PM

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