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Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Those evil corporations:

So who is paying the bulk of the taxes in my hometown?

Lego Systems Inc. leads the list with $64 million in taxable property, dwarfing the runner-up, Hallmark Cards Inc. with $36 million.

The top-10 list is rounded out by a well-known insurer, three large retail properties, a clothing conglomerate, an old factory turned apartment complex and two public utilities.

They are: Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance, $34 million; Enfield Square LLC, $27 million; Casual Corner Group Inc., $23 million; CL&P, $18 million; Gateway Conn. Properties, $13 million; Northland Investment Corp.'s Bigelow Commons Ltd., $12 million; SEA Enfield Commons LLC, $11 million; and The Connecticut Water Company, $8 million.

Together, the top 10 taxpayers make up roughly $246 million of the town's $2 billion grand list, or just over 12 percent.

And this is just the local tax on real property. 10 entities, 12 percent of the tax burden, and, most importantly, providing hundreds of jobs with benefits to residents of the metro Hartford/Springfield area. I would say they are "paying their fair share".


.: posted by Dave 12:22 PM

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