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Monday, March 01, 2004

What a Joke:

That's all I can say about my company's IT infrastructure. If you want to run robust applications, you have to make the investment in updated equipment. For goodness' sake, they are relying on outdated servers and desktop systems to run SAP. Do you have any idea how memory and bandwidth intensive SAP apps are? Well, if you said "no", then you would be a prime candidate for our IT decision-making group.

Here is the spec for our company-wide laptops:

  • INTEL Mobile Pentium III 650 MHz chip
  • 128 MegaBytes (MB) of EDO Random Access Memory (RAM)
  • A 14.1-inch extended graphics array (XGA), thin film transistor (TFT) 1024 x 768 active-matrix
    Color Display Screen.
  • A 12 Gigabyte (GB) Hard Drive

  • There are other items not worth nothing. My complaint is this: how can a high tech company justify saddling their users with these inferior laptops? Now, let me say that any user that is simply interested in email and word processing is going to be just fine with a PIII 650, but your app development group? Your SAP administrators? Your tech support people? This machine wouldn't last 3 days in my graduate classes, let alone in the "real world".

    Sadly, some CFO out there has convinced some CIO that it is perfectly okay to give out several thousand laptops of this genre to end users. "Adhere to the bottom line." That mantra is getting old.

    And one other thing. The company goal for the next five years in IT - to reach CMM Level 5. For those who may not be familiar with CMM, it is the IT equivalent of 6-Sigma, or ISO for manufacturing. I've only heard of one company ever attaining CMM Level 5, and I doubt they stayed there long. Call this the "No Child Left Behind" act for IT professionals. CMM 5 is not a relaistic goal, especially for these "gurus".


    .: posted by Dave 11:23 AM

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