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Thursday, March 11, 2004

Why do media outlets have a problem with the term "terrorist"? Why are these ETA whackos being called "separatists" instead? Iberian Notes asks the same question:

(CNN calls) ETA the "Basque separatist group" when identifying them, but then they point out that the US and the EU both list ETA as a terrorist group, so I guess that's fair enough. I'd still prefer to see the word "terrorist" rather than "separatist", though. As idiotic as they are, Esquerra Republicana and Pepelu Carod-Rovira are merely separatists--they want Catalonia to separate from Spain--and not terrorists. Same with Eusko Alkartasuna. Terrorists are non-lawful bearers of arms who use violence and murder people for political ends. That definition sure fits ETA in my book, and not these other legitimate though wrongheaded political parties.

There should be a standard rule to "call a spade a spade". ETA is no separatist group in the sense that, for example, Quebec residents are for secession from Canada, or the townspeople of Killington are for ending their relationship with Vermont. These people, and many like them, are simply evil. They use terror as an end to an unreachable means. They should be identified as such, instead of calling them something that is more likely to illicit empathy.


.: posted by Dave 9:28 AM

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