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Friday, April 30, 2004

Boortz on the 9/11 Commission and their meeting with the President:

There was one pretty unbelievable development in all this. The 9/11 Commission pressed for weeks and weeks to meet with the president and the vice-president. It absolutely had to happen, we were told, for them to complete their report. It was a very important priority. So with that as a backdrop, once they get their meeting in the Oval Office with the president, what do two of the Democrats on the commission do? They leave early! Vice chairman Lee Hamilton left the White House 70 minutes early, saying that he had a meeting with the Canadian Prime Minister. Bob Kerrey also left in the middle of the questioning, because he had a previous commitment to meet with Senator Pete Domenici on Capitol Hill. Why did they leave early? They left early because they weren't drawing any blood. They left early because the president was performing above all expectations. They left early because their agenda was not to gather information, but to embarrass the president. So .. .if your agenda isn't being met, leave!

Sounds typically partisan to me.


.: posted by Dave 10:22 PM

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