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Friday, April 23, 2004

The emissions testing fiasco is becoming larger each day here in Connecticut. Now, Akbar wants to sue the state for suspending the program prematurely.

I have trouble sympathizing with Akbar on this issue. The software written for emissions equipment is flawed, and allows some people to pass who shouldn't, and fails others who should. (The Hartford Courant notes that the software assesses weather conditions, thus affecting pollutant content perception within the software, by using a weather website, instead of actually analyzing the conditions outside at the moment. That was a fundamentally poor and lazy design feature, in my opinion.) Additionally, somebody made the stupid decision of putting LEDs on the surveillance cameras, meaning that the operator can simply look up to see if he is being filmed or not. This renders the cameras useless. It should be noted that fraud was the main complaint from the previous contractor, where at least a dozen people were caught accepting bribes from customers to "look the other way".

The whole program is a result of a bunch of poor bureaucratic decisions, and so now we are at this point. Akbar needs to address these issues openly, and reimburse people who had repairs done without cause. Otherwise, they should not be administering any program of this sort.

The real issue here should be how to clean up the smoggy air in Connecticut. Emissions testing might do a little, but until industrial pollution is controlled downwind (in other states), the result will be akin to tossing a cup of water on an inferno.


.: posted by Dave 2:00 PM

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