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Sunday, April 11, 2004

Enfield, town of prescience and foresight, apparently has a software problem.

The issue is one of data sharing. Specifically, the town wants to maintain what it has now - real-time data sharing between the town government and the schools' financial software, Town Manager Scott Shanley said.

For example, if the school system makes a payment for a number of desks or other equipment, a school system employee enters that payment in a computer. Folks at the town finance department want to see that transaction in their own computer software instantaneously, as they do now.

But that type of communication takes a lot of work to design, and it costs a lot of money.

You know, guys, some of you are software consultants by trade, as I recall. You should have realized that software needs to be standards-based. Next time, try implementing an ERP system that can import and export XML and XML Schemas. Unfortunately, this ignorance is likely going to cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars that could have gone elsewhere.


.: posted by Dave 9:45 AM

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