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Friday, April 30, 2004

The family and I (wife, son, dog, and me) are on our way to East Tennessee in a week. I'm posting this hoping that some of my fellow RTBers (and anyone else who might be reading) will be able to help me out.

I would like to know where in the Knoxville area I can find "hotspots" for Wi-Fi access. Campus? Old City? Farragut? Airport area?

I don't even have dialup access for East Tennessee, so finding a place where I can do some surfing and high speed dawdling would be nice. My alternative? The Palm and Bluetooth via the Sony Ericcson T68i. It's efficient, and relatively quick, but not exactly what I am used to using.

So... can anyone point to some good quality Wi-Fi? If all else fails, I know I can go to Borders and use the T-Mobile connection, but I'd rather have other alternatives.

UPDATE: Well now, when did Krystal on campus add Wi-Fi? I guess I will be grabbing some Gutbusters... they don't have those up here in Connecticut, by the way.

UPDATE 2: It looks like Krystal on Lee Highway in Chattanooga does, too. That's good, since graduation is in Hamilton County. Maybe I won't be so "disconnected" after all!

UPDATE 3: Add the Mellow Mushroom, Leaf & Ale, and the Steak Escape to the Wi-Fi list. Fast food, here we come!


.: posted by Dave 5:31 PM

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