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Friday, April 02, 2004

Fellow RTBers Barry, and Drawing Dead, along with me, and a few others, have embarked on a spring tradition - rotiserrie baseball. Our league cost nothing to start, nothing to join, and nothing to play. And there are no prizes. That's a far cry from these guys:

Some fantasy leagues spare no expense on draft day. With members commuting in from Boston and Philadelphia, the 16-year-old Delta Beta League rented a conference room at a New Jersey Ramada Inn. And the menu wasn't exactly beer and wings. The night began with hors d'oeuvres and chicken francese and ended with Tapa Negra cigars and two $150 bottles of wine. "We don't mess around," says league commissioner Dave Taus.

Now THAT'S a fantasy league.


.: posted by Dave 10:54 AM

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