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Thursday, April 29, 2004

From this morning's Wall Street Journal: Tech Jobs Start to Come Back
In U.S. After Three-Year Slump

After a deep three-year slump that erased more than one million jobs, U.S. technology companies have begun hiring again, marking a so far modest but solid trend that could well brighten the country's economic outlook.

The gains to date are tiny -- fewer than 20,000 jobs since late last year -- and concentrated among smaller companies. Tech-job seekers still must fight strong headwinds, from continuing layoffs to outsourcing of jobs abroad. Executives remain cautious after the long downturn, and job gains could quickly evaporate if sales slip. Yet even the small increases herald a significant shift.

This is good news, because of how engrained we are in the information economy. I can attest to this uptick in hiring, as I have received 6 job inquiries in the last 2 weeks, and I am not actively looking for a new position.

My opinion: If you're in the tech world, and you can't find work, either you're looking in the wrong places, not looking hard enough, being too narrow in your job search, you're too new to the industry, or you are just plain incompetent.


.: posted by Dave 9:05 AM

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