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Friday, April 30, 2004

I about choked on my saliva when I read this one:

Pressure is mounting on the Department of Education and Skills to provide a Muslim-friendly student loan.
Representatives of the Federation of Student Islamic Societies met with the education secretary, Charles Clarke, last week to discuss the problem, which affects students and their families who believe that taking out a student loan contravenes Islamic sharia law.

The law dictates that Muslims should not pay or receive interest on loans.

However, the Muslim community is split over whether student loans, which incur inflation-only levels of interest, are against sharia law. Student activists say that some Muslims are being asked to break their faith or forgo the opportunity for financial assistance during their studies.

Then borrow the money from somewhere else! There is no law that mandates that the Muslim community borrow their money through traditional means. If you have a right to practice religion, I respect that, and tolerate that. However, I have an equal right to profit from the loans that I make, and, as a taxpayer, I have a right not to subsidize your religious beliefs by paying the interest on your loan. This is called freedom. It's something you likely know very little about, if you practice sharia, but it's how we do things in the western world. No one is making you pay interest on a loan. Get over it.


.: posted by Dave 10:41 PM

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