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Sunday, April 18, 2004

A Louisville police officer was fired after shooting a teenager. To read that sentence, one is going to assume that the officer acted with malice, and basically killed the kid for no good reason. But the officer's story seems to indicate otherwise:

Mattingly, who is white, told investigators he believed Newby, 19, was carrying a concealed weapon as the two struggled over the officer’s service handgun. Police described the incident as an undercover drug buy gone awry.

Granted, we don't yet know the facts in the case, but ask yourself, "If I were a police officer, and someone on the street was trying to take my gun, what would I do?" I think the officer is probably being used as a scapegoat, because of the high number of violent acts by police against perpetrators recently. It's a dangerous world out there, especially in crime-ridden urban areas like the one this officer was policing. I, for one, would not have liked to have been in his position.


.: posted by Dave 8:24 AM

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