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Saturday, April 10, 2004

Once upon a time, I was an AOL user. I kept AOL for so long because of the ubiquity of their dialup servers, but their mail client really rubbed me the wrong way. I hated that it lacked Eudora/Pegasus/Outlook functionality. I've never liked proprietary clients, and, ultimately, I left AOL for that reason.

Now comes the new AOL email client, called AOL Communicator. It looks a lot like Outlook Express, with preview pane view, and mailbox view on the side. AIM is integrated into the email client as well. It supports POP3, IMAP, and also allows for migration of email from Outlook and Outlook Express. Also, the program allows you to digitally sign emails (like PGP?)

For now, this software is only available for AOL users, but a non-AOL version is in beta testing. I'll be testing it then to see if it is worth using. One nice feature would be to allow the user to import old AOL personal filing cabinets into the client. I've been working on a program to transfer PFCs into Outlook PSTs, but if AOL wants to provide a tool for that, I'll let them do it for me.


.: posted by Dave 1:55 PM

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