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Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Our town's budget meeting is tonight. It comes at a bad time for me, so I don't anticipate attending. I doubt these Yankees are ready for some perspective from a Southern boy anyway. This place is a far cry from what I am accustomed to. The main difference? Republicans and Democrats are essentially the same party. Want proof?

Councilman John Tait thinks (the town budget) should be approved as is.

"I could approve (the town manager's) budget tonight," Tait said. "I'm hearing from people that, yes, it's worth the hike in (property) taxes. Because if you want to live in a dead town, in a flat town, in a zero-growth town, then go somewhere else. Because this town has to expand."

It has to expand? By what mandate? I could stand some downsizing of local government, and privatizing some of these so-called services, or at least attaching fees to them for those that actually use them. This town has more services than it needs for 45,000 people anyway. Some of them, it does not do well. Just look at the streets in front of our houses, and see the litter, and the leftover salt from the winter.

This is not a Republican mentality. Really, there should be two parties here. The Democrats, and the (d)emocrats.


.: posted by Dave 11:24 AM

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