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Thursday, April 01, 2004

So I hear that the progressive radio network, Air America, debuted this week. I searched the commercial airwaves, and couldn't find it. It seems that they stream for free online, and they are also available on XM Radio.

Actually, I'm all for this enterprise. That's exactly what America is all about - free enterprise, a marketplace of ideas, competitive spirit, etc. Of course, a lot of the ideals espoused by the patrons and hosts of Air America do not coincide with the ideas just mentioned, but that's not the point.

Really, the left wing needs a place it can call its own. Major media has been anesthetized, catering to a less politically aware version of America. Conservatives think it's too liberal. Liberals think it's too conservative. Well, that's not going to be a problem anymore, I would imagine.

Only time will tell how competitive Air America will be. Ideas are ideas, and, in a capitalist world, ideas have to be profitable. This is a reality that progressive radio must face.

By the way, XM radio features "America Left". Sirius features the Wall Street Journal Today, World Net Daily, Fox News Channel, and Gun Talk. Coincidentally, I own three Sirius units, and stock in the company. Heh.


.: posted by Dave 11:18 AM

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