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Sunday, April 18, 2004

Want some real telling economic news? Well, consider the state of things here in Connecticut, rich in industrial and manufacturing jobs, worried perpetually about the next corporate merger, or mass layoff, and always seeing the clouds covering the silver lining:

After years of grappling with deficits, Connecticut suddenly finds itself on the verge of a possible budget surplus this year that could reach as high as $100 million, officials said Friday.

With the arrival of the April 15 filing deadline this week, tax revenue has been coming in at an unexpectedly fast rate. As a result, what had been a projected $30 million deficit only a month ago has suddenly turned into a projected surplus of about $50 million for the current fiscal year, said Marc S. Ryan, Gov. John G. Rowland's budget director.

You know why? Because the imbeciles who run this government, Democrats and Republicans alike, decided to give us a tax rate increase this year, from 4.5 to 5 percent. I maintained all along that the rate increases were unnecessary, and the anticipated surplus validates that assertion.

So, now would be a good time to reduce rates, or even rebate some of the surplus, right?

Still, the rosier financial picture is not expected to lead to any major tax cuts soon, Ryan said.

Is there any sane reason why these people who administer our government cannot see it fit to give us OUR money back? Why can't this make any sense to anyone but me? If it is in the power of the government to force us to pay more in times of "fiscal crisis", why can't the people demand a refund when receipts are unexpectedly high?

This state needs what Bill Hobbs has been championing for Tennessee - a Taxpayers' Bill of Rights.


.: posted by Dave 9:23 AM

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