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Sunday, April 11, 2004

Well, at long last, I finished my income taxes. (If you read today's posts below, you will see that profligate taxation is the theme.) What a nightmare. Connecticut and Georgia both handle taxes differently. One wants me to file separate from my wife. The other wants me to file jointly. How to please everyone? I have no idea.

Also, it turns out that my Connecticut property tax is not deductible because of residency issues. So, there goes that $350 tax credit. Better luck next year. All in all, I saved a bunch over last year (about $10,000 actually). Most of that is because I got married, and had a son. But a couple grand was saved because of the "evil" Bush tax cuts.

Connecticut did their best to soak me for as much as they could. It turns out that I owe them about six C-notes. All in all, I managed to avoid the usual withholding deficits. Next year will be a substantial surplus, if you can call the government giving you back your own money a surplus.

You know the best thing about death? No taxes. Wait, they tax that too, don't they? Never mind.


.: posted by Dave 10:46 PM

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