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Sunday, April 11, 2004

Well, it's that time of year again. Yes, it's tax season, but not just personal income tax season. It's also tax increase season, as in town budget proposals. Our town manager has apparently decided a 1.54 mill increase should be plenty.

Shanley cited declining revenues as a large part of the problem, including a projected lack of any increase in state funding, a drop in car values, an almost $400,000 decline in property tax reimbursements from the state and a decline in interest earnings on the town's assets.


Then there is the fact that fixed costs are rising. Labor contracts are up at least 2.75 percent, health insurance costs are up about 7 percent and electricity is up 5 percent, he said.

Now, let me get this straight. We just have attracted a new huge insurance firm to town, which supposedly will bring with it more jobs, and a large tax base. This is something that was not here last year, yet our public officials can only complain because property values didn't climb enough to keep pace with the town's needs.

Just exactly what is it that the town needs? Well, the school board at large, as always, is looking to siphon as much capital as possible from the budget. Last year was messy. This year, they are looking for cooperation. You know what happens when you have bipartisan support? Yep. You have a tax increase. Thus, the 1.54 mill proposal was born.

Then you have other programs:

The council also must remember that it added to its costs after it passed last year's budget, by reinstating the leaf-vacuuming program and improving its road maintenance program, for a total of $336,000, Shanley said.

What if I don't want my leaves vacuumed? Can't I opt out? How about charging me less on my property tax, and letting me vacuum up my own yard refuse?

As for the lousy excuse for road maintenance, don't make me laugh. It's the middle of April, and I still have a ton of road salt on my curb. Any plans to clean the byways, or should I invest in a power washer, and do it myself?


.: posted by Dave 9:28 AM

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